Glen Striemer, CEO
Hi, I’m Glen Striemer, Chief Executive Officer of Loud Cry Media. I live in Nova Scotia, and I created Loud Cry Radio, a for-profit business in 2010. Over the years it has transitioned into a non-profit charity in both Canada and the USA, with a board of Directors. Prior to radio ministry, I worked for 25 years as a colporteur (Bible book salesman going door-to-door). My mission has always been to place spiritual materials in the hands of Christian and non-Christians alike, only now it is through radio content. It is my desire the team we have developed will live to see the Second Coming of Jesus while proclaiming the gospel message globally through internet media.

Bruce Dillon, CFO
Hi. I’m Bruce Dillon, Chief Financial Officer of Loud Cry Media. I got here by originally becoming a client, purchasing advertising on behalf of a large Christian book and natural foods retailer. I liked Loud Cry’s internet reach as a place to promote the store. Career-wise, I spent over 30 years applying technical solutions to business needs in a variety of industries, including Sprint. Recently, Loud Cry Media in the USA has become a registered non-profit charity with similar status pending for Loud Cry Radio in Canada. We’ve transitioned into Net Suite, a sophisticated accounting software system from Oracle.

Dan Kelly, GM
Hi, my name is Dan Kelly and I first got involved with Loud Cry Media through my local church. As General Manager, my task is to oversee the day-to-day operations and to implement new visions. I’ve owned and managed all aspects of a logistics company in the trucking industry. For the past 25 years I’ve been in management concerning most aspects of business. I’m a people person with hands on management approach. I have a zeal to reach people where they are through Christian radio ministry.

Crystal Pinnock, Sales & Marketing
Hi, my name is Crystal Pinnock and and I have worked in sales and marketing for over 15 years. I started as a sales associate then management and then finally my own business. I first got involved with Loud Cry Media as an intern to learn about radio ministry. I am a graduate of the Ontario Conference School of Evangelism, Oakwood University in Alabama, and Durham College. My specialty is media ministry. Working for Loud Cry Media is in many ways a dream job opportunity for me. My goal is to reach as many people through radio ministry across the world as we can before the Lord comes.

Julie Ann Burks, Graphic Design
Hi, my name is Julie Ann Burks and I first got involved with Loud Cry Media, when they contacted me to create graphic design. I am a freelance graphic artist and have worked for the Southern Conference in a similar role as well as with American Indian Magazine. I create all the graphics at the radio stations, including the Bible Study Magazine.

Liz Obomsawin, Indigenous Hope Radio
Hi, my name is Liz Obomsawin, and I first got involved with Loud Cry Media when they contacted me to record Indigenous programming for Indigenous Hope Radio. I was able to incorporate shows I had recorded for my own ministry, Restoring Hearts.ca as well as conduct exiting new interviews with Indigenous leaders. I have also written a book entitled Moccasins to Jesus. I live in Terrace, BC but as a dual citizen of Canada / USA, I travel frequently in ministry.

Lynda Schram, Research
Hi, I’m Lynda Schram and I first got involved with Loud Cry Media through my local church. I sit on the board of both the Canadian and USA entities making up Loud Cry. My role in research is spiritual content to create new shows or stations. I am a prayer warrior and a big believer in the soon Advent of our Lord and Saviour and believe our stations should reflect this emphasis.

Ana Chapman, Jewish Messiah Radio
Hi, my name is Ana Chapman, and I first got involved with Loud Cry Media, when they approached me to see if they could use my productions on a new station called Jewish Messiah Radio. Before you knew it,
because of my background, I was the new Production Manager for this station. Its been a joy to create Jewish Messiah Radio from ground zero and I believe the Jewish population of the world will find this station to be a blessing. Exalting the Jewish Heart of Christianity, Yeshua Ha Meshiach, Jesus the Messiah.

Shawn King, IT
Hi, I’m Shawn King founder of Web World Strategies a digital agency that works out of Ontario and Quebec. I was introduced to Loud Cry Media by Crystal Pinnock whom I have worked with for a number of years. I have 20-plus years of experience in web development and digital marketing. I firmly believe in the Ministry and Gospel that embodies the team at Loud Cry and count myself fortunate and blessed to be able to support them.